Knjigoljubac od knjiga stvara magične scene

Dobre knjige mogu probuditi našu maštu, ali kada je u pitanju Džejms Trevino one mogu uticati i na našu kreativnost. Ovaj mladić je postao poznat na Instagramu po tome što je svoju kolekciju knjiga iskoristio da njome kreira prizore iz sveta književnosti.

Kaže da se ova ideja „jednostavno desila“. „U početku sam kačio slike knjiga koje sam u tom trenutku čitao“, kaže o svojim počecima. „Vremenom su fotografije postajale sve složenije i nastajale su pod uticajem popularne kulture i nekih stvari koje sam viđao na internetu.“

Svaka scena prolazi kroz određen proces stvaranja. „Prvo sa najboljom drugaricom Elizabet gomilam ideje. Kada najzad dođemo do konačne ideje, onda Liz i ja pokušamo da uradimo ono što smo zamislili. Ako je ideja prevelika za jedan kadar i fotografiju onda uradimo seriju fotki.“

Trevino u svojoj kolekciji, za sada, ima 1100 knjiga, ali se ne namerava zaustaviti.

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What is your favorite retelling of a classic? 📚 For this pic I decided to become Robin Hood. Forgive the Star Wars t-shirt. My green robe is in the washer.🤦‍♂️ For real though, this pic is inspired by a book the awesome @mcfrank_author sent me. Her new Robin Hood retelling sounds quite freakin' amazing. 📚 Just imagine your classic, rugged, trying to survive Robin and, on the other hand, a princess that instead of being in distress is training as an assassin in order to hunt down the most fearsome criminal in the kingdom. And you guessed it right, that's Robin. So, disguised as a man, she goes for it but life happens and she ends up saving Robin. I mean, I complain about the small problems in my life but that right there is a real ISSUE.😂 I love myself a gritty retelling and this sounds like quite the ride. Plus I couldn't help myself and read the ending before starting the book and oh boy… 📚 If that sounds good to you @mcfrank_author has a giveaway on her page right now aaaaand if that sounds really good to you there's a link in my bio where you can get the book.😁 📚 Hope your Monday was not too awful.😂 Stay funny! ° ° ° ° #robinhood #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #tbr #tbrlist #currentlyreading #yalit #ya #yabooks #iloveya #ilovereading #ilovebooks #bookworm #bookart #fairytale #starwars #disney #disneygram #disneyart #disneylove #imaginativeuniverse #launchdsigns #honar_doostan #istgahe_honar #bookphotography

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If you could read a book wrote from the point of view of any Harry Potter character, who would that character be? ⚡ Tadam! I was planning to take the cover recreations of the first Harry Potter UK editions in order but couldn't wait to do this one. The Goblet of Fire is my favorite HP cover! As you can see, I was sooo close to being toast. Thankfully my Nimbus 3000 (Nimbus 2000 who?) saved me. ⚡ As for today's question, I would totally go for a book (or even series), wrote from Voldemort's point of view. I just watched that new trailer for Joker and gosh it looks so good! I want a dark R-rated movie or book about Voldemort. There's something so appealing about reading about villains. ⚡ Hope your week is going great! Any weekend plans? ° ° ° ° ° #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #harrypotter #fantasticbeasts #hogwarts #pottermore #potterhead #dumbledore #albusdumbledore #thewizardingworldofharrypotter #potter #jkrowling #hermionegranger #crimesofgrindelwald #newtscamander #grindelwald #harrypotterforever #ourcolourdays #bookgeek #bookishlife #ukblogger #ourportraitdays #moodyports #livros #kitaplar #czytam #librosrecomendados #learnphotoshop

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What age where you when you've read your first book and what book was that? 📚 I love it when authors send me free books. It is possibly the biggest perk of being a bookstagrammer. But for some reason no one till now offered to send me a high fantasy book, despite the fact that I talk about it being my favorite genre non stop.😂 So thank you C.R.R. Hillin for sending me @theorphanscode. 📚 And since we are talking high fantasy we are talking a big book here (😍) with multiple narratives (😍😍). Actually, what drew me to ORPHAN'S CODE were the similarities between it and MISTBORN by Brandon Sanderson (which, if anyone ever asked me for a recommendation on DM you know is my go to). The city of Bermeia is in chaos after the execution of its beloved criminal hero, the Black Death (wink Kelsier wink). Things go even worse when the usurper king begins a hunt for the missing heir to the throne. On the other hand we have Rose who, as much as she tries to stay out of trouble, gets kidnapped by a gang of orphans, outlaws and runaways that have their own deep dark secrets. I just looooove when you can see glimpses of how these arcs will come together. Ughhh, high fantasy.❤️ 📚 Anyway, if that sounds good to you, you can go on the @theorphanscode page right now where you can find a GIVEAWAY with the signed book (plus VENGEFUL and A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC by V.E. Schwab also signed!) as a prize. 📚 Hope your day was awesome and hope you like this kind of videos because I plan on doing more haha. 📕 📕 📕 #bookstagram #booknerd #bookfeaturepage #moodygrams #mistborn #brandonsanderson #harrypotter #rickriordan #percyjackson #dccomics #photosinbetween #gymmotivation #fantasyart #photosinbetween #creativeoptic #libro #liber #boeken #könyv #bok #bog #flatlay #tbr #gameofthrones #jonsnow #bookishfeatures #marvel #lordoftherings

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What was/is your favorite subject in school? 📕 (ad) For this pic I partnered up again with my friends at @redbubble for their Back to School campaign. And because we are talking about school and I am wearing this awesome BECAUSE SCIENCE sweater I have to confess I wasn't a huge fan of science in school. I was more on the literature side (obviously😂). Buuut I remember we had this physics teacher in middle school that was very passionate about climate change and global warming. And that is something that peaked my interest and it grew on me more and more every year. And that is because I remember how the seasons where when I was a kid, which wasn't even that long ago. And how HUGELY different they are now. We barely have snow anymore. And Summer started in July this year, after a month of daily storms and rain. And now we have droughts. It's so haywire I don't even know what to wear some days. And it's incredible to me how this is not getting more attention. 📕 Back from that rant, Redbubble works with artists from all around the world to create geekish, fandomish items and there's no better place to find cool stuff for school. If you want to see what else I picked, you can check my Back to School Haul at: And, if you want to get 15% off your order you can use code RBC-B2S19-james_trevino 📕 Hope you guys had an amazing day! Stay funny! ° ° ° ° ° #booknerd #livres #buch #ilovereading #RedbubbleB2S #GiftOriginal #epicreads #booknerd #spilledink #fallvibes #autumnvibes #cozyvibes #cosyvibes #thatsdarling #mytinyatlas #slowlivingforlife #globalwarming #climatechange #deforestation #pollution #savetheearth #earthday #bookishfeatures #kitapsevgisi #simplethingsmadebeautiful #flatlayforever #fromabove #createexplore

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If you could have one useless superpower, what would it be? ✨ Never fear, Super James is (again) here to supersave the Scooby gang from superdanger. Ironically, while we were taking this shot the Mystery Machine was accidentally dropped on the floor. Thankfully, the Scooby gang agreed not to press charges. So Super James will not be superlocked away.😌 ✨ How was your week, guys? Mine was a 7. Not great, but not bad. Decently productive too. So cheers to that! ° ° ° ° ° #bookstagram #lector #leitor #edebiyat #superman #marvel #dccomics #marvelcomics #marvelfan #avengersendgame #spidermanfarfromhome #spiderman #bookhoarder #toystory4 #toystory #disneygram #disneylove #scooby #scoobydoo #mysterymachine #batman #ironman #thor #mcu #superhero #superheroes #booknerd #totalbooknerd

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Describe your life in 3 words. 📚 (ad) I think it is so difficult to do this. Honestly for me it would be something like HOPE-FAMILY-STRESS. But it is an ever changing ecuation. And that is with me having a simple, little life. I guess life is complicated no matter who you are because we, as humans, are inherently complicated. Discovering who you are is always a process full of twists and turns. And identity is, for a lot of poeple, what this month is all about. This is my final post in collaboration with my friends at @redbubble in support of pride month. Some of you might have seen this tshirt in my stories and it quickly became one of my favorite pieces of clothing ever. 📚 If you want to see what else I got you can check out my Gift Guide at: You can also use code RBC-P19-james to get 10% off your order till the end of June. 📚 Hope your week is going amazingly well, guys!🤗 Stay funny! ° ° ° ° ° #shadowhunters #shadowhunter #cassandraclare #themortalinstruments #malec #jaceherondale #simonlewis #aleclightwood #magnusbane #supernatural #castiel #lucifer #angel #wings #daenerystargaryen #gameofthrones #targaryen #GiftOriginal #pride2019 #pride #bookcommunity #bookblog #yafiction #yabooks #bookstagram #bookaholic #bookaddict #escritor

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What are your predictions for the final episode of Game of Thrones? 👑 If you haven't seen the last few episodes of Game of Thrones STOP reading NOW! There will be spoilers below!!! 👑 I was thinking of creating an original pic for this occasion. And I did. It's the second in the slide. But the dragon ended up looking more like the Monster of Loch Ness so… 😂 Now that we are past this amazing introduction, my predictions: – Jon will die – Dany will ddddie (hope I am wrong😐 even mad I still love her) – Arya will die (maybe killed by Dany?) – Sansa will rule – Bran will pull some freaky sh*t – Open ending 👑 What do you think? ° ° ° ° ° #daenerystargaryen #daenerys #JonSnow #aryastark #sansastark #gameofthrones #moodygram #got #gotseason8 #dragon #dragons #drogon #fantasyart #literatura #bookstagram #targaryen #asongoficeandfire #czytaniejestsexy #georgerrmartin #booknerdigans #bookblogger #bookcommunity #readingtime #bookstagram #reading #book #bog #eucitesc

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Caption this photo.😂 Best 3 captions get a shoutout (of their page). 📚 (ad) Winter and the holidays are drawing near so, in classic James fashion, I decided to get naked and feel that ocean breeze.😂 Got this amazing canvas print from @redbubble to remind me of summer and warm days in the cold months to come. Seriously though, who would have thought that sitting shirtless on the floor, under a waterfall of imaginary water and half covered by a river of books could be so relaxing?🤔 📚 If you want to recreate this pose by getting a print of your own (or other hype stuff I choose: side note – the cat socks I got are sooooo comfortable🙀), just check my Bazaar of Curiosities here: (link is also in my bio). 📚 And, JUST THIS WEEK (till November 30th), you can use code RBC-H19-17-james_trevino TO GET 17% OFF YOUR ENTIRE ORDER. 📚 Hope your week is off to a great start, guys. 🤗 #GiftOriginal . . . #bookobsessed #bookhoarder #bookalicious #bookhaul #lovebooks #mybookfeatures #readingislife #bookartist #bookgram #bookstagramer #book #booknerd #bibliophile #yafantasy #writingcommunity #amwriting #leiamais #livros #lectores #leitores #becreative #postitfortheaesthetic #smallmomentsofcalm

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What is your favorite time of the year? 🎄 (ad) For this video am partnering up again with the guys at @redbubble. If you've been here for a while you already know everything about Redbubble haha. It's this amazing company that brings together artists from all around the world to create nerd-ish, book-ish, fandom-ish and all kinds of pop culture inspired designs. Their Christmas cards are just brilliant and I helped myself with a few. And for those of you who might say it's too early for Christmas… Well, I started celebrating a month ago so…😂 🎄 If you want to see what else I got you can check out James's Bazaar of Curiosities at And if you use code RBC-H19-james_trevino you get 15% off your entire order. Santa James is back!🎅 🎄 Hope your day was amazing, guys! Stay funny! . . . #reading #book #kitap #asmr #satisfyingvideos #satisfying #bookworm #booklove #igreads #booksofinstagram #bookblogger #bookblog #bookster #bookaesthetic #booksonbooks #amolivros #amoleer #mystyle #lifestyleblogger#GiftOriginal #christmastree #christmasdecor #christmas2019 #christmas #christmasdecorations

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AD: What is the best book you’ve read so far this year? * For this photo I’ve partnered up with the guys at @toofarmedia . I’ve actually used their app before thanks to my friend Elizabeth who recommended it to me. The app contains stories written by author Rich Shapero and presented in the most interactive way possible. And it is completely free! The story I’ve read most recently is titled TOO FAR and it follows two six-year olds as they take refuge from their turbulent homes by exploring the mysterious woodland beyond. You can basically feel the forest through the music used, through the leaves that are falling on the screen and the wonderful illustrations. It’s like a pop up book with soundtrack added haha. I just love it, especially because I am the kind of person that always has to have a soundtrack for their reads. I’ve read TOO FAR while on the plane back from my recent trip to Germany and it was just such a freakin’ cool way too pass the time! If you want to give it a go, just go to or search for TooFar Media in your app store. . . . #toofarmedia #richshapero #currentlyreading #alwaysreading #divein #bookworm #music #artists #art #experiential #immersive #fiction #lovereading #booksofinstagram #disruptor #readsof2019 #bookstagram #literature

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❄️INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY❄️ ❄️ Yesss, HENDERBELL by @jdnetto is finally here! I've had the luck of reading this book as it was being written and man, what a journey. I love love love Christmas themed books and this one was such a perfect combo of nostalgia and fantasy. ❄️ HENDERBELL follows siblings Enzo and Ava on their journey to save their grandparents (who turn out to be the rulers of a magical realm) and uncover the truth behind their mysterious bloodline. Along the way you get everything you could want from a good fantasy novel: elves, kings, queens and spirits and wonderful, wonderful LGBT representation. So what's not to like? ❄️ And to celebrate this beautiful, Dark Narnia fantasy, JD and I came up with a contest where you can win a hardcover copy of the book. All you have to do is: . – LIKE this pic – FOLLOW me, @jdnetto and @thepageswelove – TAG 3 friends and answer the following question: What do you love the most about Christmas? . ❄️ The giveaway ends Sunday, November 17. The winner will be announced the following week. This contest is in no way affiliated with Instagram. . . . . #okumak #czytambolubie #currentlyreading #bookclub #instareads #fromabove #escritor #read #instalivros #ukblogger #poetrycommunity #write #booksarelife #reading #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #ireadya #bookjunkie #mystyle #lifestyle #hotdudesreading #booknerd

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What is a book/movie/TV show you think is overrated? 📚 This photo was a riot to take. My mom was up on a chair trying to direct us: c'mon James, look deep into her eyes. Deeper! Deeper I said! And Liz and I where trying to not burst out laughing. Which, of course, was impossible and that is why this required about 100 takes to get right.😂 I guess being best friends makes it so this wasn't as awkward as it could have been (and yes, mentioning the word FRIENDS for y'all who still send us messages about shipping🤣). All jokes aside, I feel like I don't express as often as I should what this amazing human being (is that ok, Liz?) means to me. She's more like the sister I never had than a friend. And I don't know, I just can't imagine my life with her. Nor I want to. Ok, this was so sweet I think imma be sick. 📚 Anyway, hope you had an amazing week start. Stay funny, guys. . . . #daenerystargaryen #jonerys #shadowhunters #claryfray #claryfairchild #clace #shadowhunterslegacy #bookflatlay #beautifulbooks #readers #reader #literature #themortalinstruments #cassandraclare #gameofthrones #booksofinstagram #bookish #bibliophile #angels #fallenangel #imaginativeuniverse #artshub #abmlifeissweet #visualcrush #makemoremagic #moodyports #moodygrams #halloweencostume

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What do you like/don't like about Instagram? 💭 I've been on Instagram for more than 3 years now. 1 of those years was a break year but even so, it's a pretty long time. Not going to deny that along the way Instagram lead to some frustrations. But it also brought me endless joy and shaped my life the way it is today and I quite like my current life so thank you, Instagram.😁 💭 Also, I haven't done one of these shelf constructions in a while so I hope you guys dig it.😁 Any ideas on what to create next on my shelves? . . . #instagramlogo #theweekoninstagram #booknook #shelfie #bookshelfie #bookshelf #bookshelves #librariesofinstagram #library #bookstore #diydecor #diyhomedecor #bookstagram #buku #czytam #writerscorner #honar_doostan #ig_color #enter_imagination #artofvisuals #artshub #worldofartists #heatercentral #lensbible

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Pročitajte i ovo: Književne scene sačinjene od knjiga

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Who is your all time favorite fictional villain? 🃏 Ever since I got out of the theater after seeing JOKER I wanted to create a photo based on it. Say what you will about the overall message of the movie, but there is no denying that the acting and directing were absolutely stunning. In fact, I think this might be my favorite Joker to date and oh, I want a sequel!!! 🃏 Back to this photo, it was a blast to create. I love Halloween and can't wait to try more creepy looks. 😂 So, did I get the Joker right? And how was your week, guys? 1 to 10? . . . #jokermovie #jokermakeup #joker #halloweenmakeupideas #whysoserious #bookstagrammer #yalit #yabooks #bookishlove #batman #thejoker #batmancosplay #bücher #ilovebooks #lectura #leitura #mybookfeatures #kitap #dccomics #cosplayer #cosplay #hypebeast #eclectic_shotz #heatercentral #visualambassadors

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⚔⚔ BOOK GIVEAWAY ⚔⚔ 📖 (ad) There's no secret I love anything having to do with pirates. I’ll read anything with pirates, fiction and non-fiction, that I can manage to get my hands on. So when a pirate-related book was offered to me I jumped at the chance. 📖 A JEWEL BRIGHT SEA by Claire O'Dell is a fast-paced sword-and-sorcery pirate adventure following Anna Zhadanov, a scholar's daughter sold as a bond servant with a real talent for tracking magic. For her talent she is sent to recover a priceless jewel, in exchange for her freedom. But she realizes there is more to her mission than meets the eye. Soon she is the captive of a pirate captain, hunted by the Emperor's guard, besieged by a brigand queen and at odds with her only friend. But she must trust someone in order to survive. 📖 I mean, sounds like a perfect adventure book. Reminds me of Pirates of the Caribbean and gosh, I am obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean.😂 So ahoy! 📖 GIVEAWAY Enter to win one of the 4 copies of A Jewel Bright Sea! TO ENTER – follow me (@james_trevino) and Kensington Books (@Kensingtonbooks) – like this photo – tag a friend you think will be interested RULES – Giveaway will end October 14th at 12PM EET (winnner will be announced via Instagram Story the following day) – US and Canada only – not affiliated with Instagram – must be 18 or have parental permission – must be a public account so I can verify entries . . . #claireodell #ajewelbrightsea #classicliterature #literature #culturacolectiva #enter.imagination #expofilm #flatlay #fromabove #culture #reading #read #books #gymlife #epicreads #epic #euamoler #czytambolubię #pirate #theweekoninstagram #poetsofinstagram #booklove #writersnetwork #booktag #booktube #lifestyleblog

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What is something that automatically makes you buy a book? 📖 (gifted) As you guys know, my all time favorite genre is epic fantasy. I have a thing for vast world building and books that look like bricks.😂 So when Meaghan (@meaghanrauscher) offered to send me her new high fantasy novel, ROAR OF THE REALM, I was like: yes please! It might have also had something to do with the fact that the book is described as being Narnia-like (even though I think it is as big as all the Narnia books put together😂😍). 📖 Epic synopsis below: THE HUNTER. THE PRISONER. THE DREAMER. THE OUTCAST. THE TRAITORS OF A REALM A kingdom was decimated 812 years ago. The warriors of light its greatest casualty. The flame of rebellion ignites as an army of wolves and shadows prowls throughout the land. The howls of the wolves cry out to the lord of death—an answering roar rising to meet its challenge. 📖 I am already a few pages in and it is so atmospheric. Reminds me quite a bit of Mistborn actually.🤔 Anyway, hope your day was amazing, guys! Stay funny! . . . #epicreads #readingismagic #readersofinstagram #gryffindor #gryffindorpride #read #kitaplar #amolivros #amoleer #librosmyadiccion #buchstagram #booklove #flatlay #flatlaysquad #fromabove #chroniclesofnarnia #lifestylephotography #creativehappylife #seekthesimplicity #bookblogging #igbooks #igreads

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What is your favorite Spider-Man movie? 🕸️ Although my favorite Spidey movies are by far the old Raimi ones (can't believe I just said the 2000s trilogy is old👴🤦‍♂️), the new version is growing on me. I still have Doctor Octopus as my favorite villain but I am intrigued by Mysterio. Plus, Jake Gyllenhaal is one of my favorite actors so I am really excited to catch Spiderman: Far From Home. What about you, guys? 🕸️ P.S.- Anyone know how to get me down from this web? Don't leave me hanging. 😋 Ok, I'll stop.🙈 🕸️ P.P.S. – Sorry for the lack of content lately, guys. This past week just sucked for me. I've been having some health issues that got in the way of pretty much everything. I am still not over them, but things are slowly getting better so I will hopefully get back to a normal posting schedule soon. ° ° ° ° ° #bookstagram #amoler #amoleer #kitapaşkı #spiderman #spidermanfarfromhome #spidermancosplay #spidermanhomecoming #spidermanedit #spidermanmemes #spidermanintothespiderverse #bookgram #spidey #mysterio #avengers #avengersendgame #marvelcomics #marvel #marveluniverse #mcu #bookporn #writerslife #booklover #bookpic #bookphoto #mybookfeatures

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If you could be a mythological character for a day, who would you be? 🗡️ For this post I am partnering again with @inkbox (ad). I actually love these two tattoos so much that I want to make them both permanent. #inkbox 🗡️ The one on my back unites two of my greatest passions: mythology and science fiction. It reminds me of the solar system and of the Roman gods who were named after the celestial bodies. And thus I decided to make this Pluto (or Hades, if you like Greek mythology better) inspired pic. And c’mon, how interesting would be to be the Lord of the Dead for a day haha? 🗡️ Hope your day was amazing! See you in the underworld! ° ° ° ° ° #hades #percyjackson #tattoo #reading #bookblog #bookcommunity #lifestylephotographer #read #birdseyeview #lovepoem #booklovers #heroesofolympus #percabeth #pjo #rickriordan #reading #disney #hazellevesque #bookaholic #leovaldez #読了 #lector #annabethchase #creative #greekmythology #mythology #tattooideas #tattooart

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