Umetnik svakodnevni život već pet godina pretvara u strip

Pit Dafeld je već pet godina u vezi sa Keli Gejdž sa kojom ima dvogodišnju ćerkicu. Skoro svaki dan od kad ju je upoznao, Dafeld je njihov svakodnevni život prestavljao crtežom.

Profesionalni ilustrator opisao je svakodnevna dešavanja sa kojima su se mnogi parovi poistovetili objašnjavajući da je u svojim crtežima pokušao da nađe balans između humora i onih “slatkih stvari”.

“Počeo sam da pravim listu u svom telefonu svaki put kada se nešto zabavno desi. Kolekcija crteća je postepeno rasla i bilo je zabavno dokumentovati gluposti koje smo rekli ili uradili”, objasnio je Dafeld.

“Još uvek crtežima beležim trenutke kako bi naša ćerka, kada bude starija, mogla da se osvrne na njih”, dodao je on.

Poppy does this adorable running cuddle that I call The Dash-dash Cuddle. Swipe across to see it in action 😍 —– Over 60k followers, incredible! Thanks so much for all the beautiful messages and positivity, you're all so kind. We've been trying to keep up with all the messages, sorry if we don't reply personally to everyone but I assure you we read them all and appreciate them. —- Giveaway definitely coming within the next couple of days ❤️ . . . . . . #art #sketch #relationship #couple #comics #funny #drawing #love #illustrator #illustration #cute #book #boyfriend #doodle #moleskin #dad #daddy #silly #romance #cartoon #daily #draw #creative #family #relatable #60k #giveaway #comicart #cuddle #hug

A post shared by Kellie and Pete (@kellie_and_pete) on

When I exercise at home Poppy likes to join in and tries to imitate the positions I get into 😍 —– Welcome to all the new followers! I think most of you have come via – thank you :) We were planning on doing a giveaway when we reached 10k followers… we now have over 20k haha. So this week there'll definitely be a giveaway of some sort – feel free to suggest ideas. Did people like the personalised illustration we did last time or would rather signed prints? Let us know. Much love from Kellie & Pete ❤️ . . . . . . #art #sketch #relationship #couple #comics #funny #drawing #love #illustrator #illustration #cute #book #boyfriend #doodle #moleskin #dad #daddy #silly #romance #cartoon #daily #draw #creative #family #relatable #10k #giveaway #comicart #exercise #fitness

A post shared by Kellie and Pete (@kellie_and_pete) on

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